Where's Woofster?
SUPER WHY! is a breakthrough preschool series designed to help kids with the critical skills that they need to learn to read as recommended by the National Reading Panel (alphabet skills, word families, spelling, comprehension and vocabulary). <br/> <strong>Ages:<\/strong> 3-6<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Language and Literacy

Where's Woofster?
Season 3 Episode 12 | 25m 10s | CC
Whyatt's puppy Woofster clearly wants to play a game with Whyatt and his friend Princess, but they can't figure out what game he wants to play. To find the answer to this really big question, the Super Readers jump into the book Where's Woofster? where they find themselves in Puppy Land, but they can't find Woofster. The Super Readers have to use their super powers to find Woofster.