The Banana Mystery
SUPER WHY! is a breakthrough preschool series designed to help kids with the critical skills that they need to learn to read as recommended by the National Reading Panel (alphabet skills, word families, spelling, comprehension and vocabulary). <br/> <strong>Ages:<\/strong> 3-6<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Language and Literacy

The Banana Mystery
Season 3 Episode 7 | 25m 10s | CC
Pig's lemonade stand is sabotaged when someone keeps taking his lemons-but who is it? To solve Pig's mystery, the Super Readers take a trip into the book The Banana Mystery where a search for Monkey's missing bananas takes them on a wild ride. They find clues, follow signs, and analyze evidence to solve the mystery just in time for Monkey to bake banana bread for a special celebration.