The Mixed Up Story
SUPER WHY! is a breakthrough preschool series designed to help kids with the critical skills that they need to learn to read as recommended by the National Reading Panel (alphabet skills, word families, spelling, comprehension and vocabulary). <br/> <strong>Ages:<\/strong> 3-6<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Language and Literacy

The Mixed Up Story
Season 3 Episode 5 | 25m 10s | CC
Baby Joy is so excited that her babysitter Goldilocks is reading her A Day with Farmer Fred, but when she shakes the book and says "again! Again!" some important words fall right out and onto the floor. Goldilocks scoops them up but they're all out of order. The Super Readers jump into Baby Joy's book where they help sort out the scrambled story and get Fred's life on the farm back in order.