Elinor Wonders Why show's poster

The Paper Trail/Bath Time

Elinor models the foundational practices of science inquiry and engineering design -- including her amazing powers of observation and willingness to ask questions and investigate. When she encounters something she doesn’t understand, like why birds have feathers or how tiny ants build massive anthills, she just can’t let it go until she figures it out.

The Paper Trail/Bath Time

Season 1 Episode 15 | 25m 10s | CC

The kids are making a storybook when they run out of paper, so they decide to get more from the store. Unfortunately, the store is out of paper too, so the kids wonder: where can they get more?/After Ari’s parents let him skip bath time, he’s determined to never have a bath again. This makes Elinor, Ari and Olive ask the question, why do we have to take baths anyway?

Elinor Wonders Why

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