Elinor Wonders Why show's poster

These Sneezes/Ari's Lucky Shirt

Elinor models the foundational practices of science inquiry and engineering design -- including her amazing powers of observation and willingness to ask questions and investigate. When she encounters something she doesn’t understand, like why birds have feathers or how tiny ants build massive anthills, she just can’t let it go until she figures it out.

These Sneezes/Ari's Lucky Shirt

Season 1 Episode 17 | 25m 10s | CC

While the kids are playing in the forest, Olive lets out a giant AAAA-CHOO. This startles the kids and makes Elinor curious about why we sneeze in the first place? / For the big soccer game, Ari HAS to wear his lucky shirt, even if its way too small...right?

Elinor Wonders Why

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