Elinor Wonders Why show's poster

Backyard Soup/Colorful and Tasty

Elinor models the foundational practices of science inquiry and engineering design -- including her amazing powers of observation and willingness to ask questions and investigate. When she encounters something she doesn’t understand, like why birds have feathers or how tiny ants build massive anthills, she just can’t let it go until she figures it out.

Backyard Soup/Colorful and Tasty

Season 1 Episode 13 | 25m 10s | CC

Elinor loves making “Backyard Soup,” because all the ingredients come from their backyard garden. She’s eager to try the same recipe when she visits her grandma and grandpa, but their backyard is a lot different than Elinor's, because they live in the desert./Elinor and her friends are selling lots of yummy cupcakes, but the problem is no one is buying any. The kids don't understand what's wrong.

Elinor Wonders Why

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