Sue Ellen's Lost Diary / Arthur's Knee
Arthur aims to foster an interest in reading and writing, to encourage positive social skills, and to model age-appropriate problem-solving strategies. The show chronicles the adventures of eight-year-old Arthur and explores issues faced by real kids. <br/> <strong>Ages:</strong> 4-8<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Social and Emotional Growth, Language and Literacy

Sue Ellen's Lost Diary / Arthur's Knee
Season 2 Episode 14 | 26m 56s | CC
Poor Sue Ellen has lost the one thing she's never without--her diary. But as her friends help her look for it, they start to wonder- why she won't let them read it? What's in this diary anyway? / Arthur hurts his knee but won't tell Mom because she'll know he was playing at the dump. The Brain and D.W. convince Arthur to face up to it and take his tetanus shot like a man-umm, an aardvark.