D.W. the Picky Eater
Arthur aims to foster an interest in reading and writing, to encourage positive social skills, and to model age-appropriate problem-solving strategies. The show chronicles the adventures of eight-year-old Arthur and explores issues faced by real kids. <br/> <strong>Ages:</strong> 4-8<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Social and Emotional Growth, Language and Literacy
D.W. the Picky Eater
Season 2 Episode 3 | 13m 17s | CC
It's wrong to call D.W. a picky eater. Just wrong. The only things she won't eat are vegetables, fish, fruit, and meat! So it's not her fault when she has a tantrum in a restaurant--I mean, someone tried to slip her some spinach! Is this the end of D.W.'s nights on the town? Will she miss Grandma Thora's birthday bash?