Door-to-Door Membership Drive

Thank you for becoming a member with one of our trusted door-to-door representatives! Your gift will enable us to continue to provide exceptional programming.

Beginning in August, 2011, Rocky Mountain PBS launched the nation's first door-to-door PBS outreach program by sending a few professional canvassers into neighborhoods across the Front Range. Today, our community canvass program allows us to personally convey the importance of public television and quality programming to thousands of people every week. By committing to contribute through one of our canvassers you help us further our mission to enrich the lives of Coloradans through engaging and essential programs, services, and community partnerships that inform, enlighten, and entertain.

Do your part and donate to Rocky Mountain PBS. Thank you.

If you or someone you know is interested in joining the RMPBS canvass team, 

please email or call 312-625-2115 to schedule an interview!

Meet Our Canvass Team:
Holly LaPlante

Brienna Parsons