Community Action
Reposting vs. reporting: How Facebook groups are replacing shuttered rural newsrooms
As small newsrooms close in rural Colorado, citizen journalists are gathering together to keep the flow of local news and information alive.
WordGirl enriches young audiences vocabulary, closes the gap for those who dont grow up in language-rich environments, instills a love of language, and fosters better reading comprehension. Ages: 4-8 Educational Goal: Language and Literacy
Guess Who's Coming to Thanksgiving Dinner/Judging Butcher
Season 7 Episode 9 | 26m 0s | CC
Tobey and his mother get invited to the Botsfords' Thanksgiving dinner. Can Becky defeat Tobey's Pilgrim-themed robots without being missed? / Got Too Much Talent has a new judge, The Butcher, who is running contestants through a verbal meat grinder. Violet wants to audition, but singing isn't her forte--can Becky stop her?