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Word World show's poster

Word World

Word World empowers children as early readers by making the important connections between letters, sounds, words and meaning that are necessary for reading. The animated Word Friends go on adventures and face challenges that can only be resolved using the correct word.
Ages: 3-5
Educational Goal: Language and Literacy

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Dog's Having a Party/Dog Wants to Play Ball

Season 2 Episode 12 | 24m 31s | CC

Dog and Duck want to throw a house party at Dog's house. But all they have is the letter H, and they don't know what to do with it! With the help of Sheep they soon realize that H is a fabulous letter; with it they can make hotdogs, hats, and hula-hoops! / Dog wants to play ball, but he's having trouble communicating with his friends because they won't stop and listen to him.


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