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Songs About Buildings and Moods

What do the buildings we create say about us? How does a musical interpretation change our perception of a building? Songs About Buildings and Moods uses storytelling and performance to create a unique series exploring the connection between music and architecture. The buildings include Saarinen's masterpiece for TWA, Calatrava's Milwaukee Art Museum and a Black church in Chicago among others.

Latest episode

Stony Island Arts Bank and Cranbrook Academy of Art

Season 2 Episode 5 | 28m 29s | CC

Once a thriving bank that was abandoned by white residents during the Great Migration, the Stony Island Arts Bank has been repurposed and reimagined by Theaster Gates' Rebuild Foundation as a thriving hub for Black culture. The Cranbrook Academy of Art is a stunning mecca of design just outside of Detroit created by renowned architect Eliel Saarinen.
