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Sesame Street

Sesame Street provides a comprehensive curriculum that supports preschoolers' cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development. Children learn to use their imaginations, build social skills, and respect people’s differences.
Ages: 3-5
Educational Goal:<\/strong> Social and Emotional Growth, Language and Literacy, Creative Arts, Health

Latest episode

Monster Truckin’

Season 53 Episode 22 | 25m 25s | CC

Elmo and Chris are making their own monster truck jump, but they don’t have a ramp. This is a problem! They need something slanted up like a triangle and wonder if there’s something that could be used as a ramp. What if they use a pizza box lid? Let’s try! Elmo and Chris didn’t give up and made a ramp for the jump. The Count, Big Bird, and Oscar joined with their monster trucks, and everyone raced


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