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E2 | Nashville Brick Cottage | Moving Day

This Old House, with trusted experts Tom Silva, Richard Trethewey, Jenn Nawada, and host Kevin O'Connor, is TV's original home-improvement show, following one whole-house renovation over several episodes.

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E2 | Nashville Brick Cottage | Moving Day

Season 46 | Nashville Brick Cottage Episode 2 | 23m 42s | CC

Kevin O'Connor meets with expert house mover Don Toothman and his team to prepare to lift Adam and Rachel's house off its foundation. Kevin and architect Kaitlyn Smous meet and go over plans for this renovation. Later, Don and his crew return to move the house. With the beams in place, they roll the house to its new temporary home in the backyard, where it will sit for the next month.

This Old House

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Funding for THIS OLD HOUSE is provided by The Home Depot and Renewal By Andersen.