Kite Delight/Little Lost Horse
Lucita Sky, AJ Gadgets, Sara Snap, and Benny Bubbles, led by their quirky and enthusiastic teacher, Mr. Sparks, work together to help people, solve problems, and try to make the world a better place. When their imperfect powers aren’t up to the task, they look to their other powers – the superpowers of science – to help them investigate, observe, make predictions, and figure out a solution.

Kite Delight/Little Lost Horse
Season 1 Episode 23 | 24m 55s | CC
When a young boy’s kite is ruined, Sparks’ Crew tries to help him make a new kite. But, the team has a lot to learn about how wind moves things. / When a little girl loses a toy horse on a beach, Sparks’ Crew comes to the rescue. But, it looks like the toy horse may have been washed away. How can they find it?