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Enchanted Planet

Visit our whimsical world where everything is possible! Based on the award-winning children’s music and book series, Animals Get Funky, host Sarahndipity Johnsen explores early childhood themes through movement, innovation, and playful animal antics. Engage in story time, STEAM activities, forest friend puppets, Spanish language learning, animal facts, letters of the alphabet, and a dance party!

Latest episode


Season 1 Episode 4 | 26m 40s | CC

Adventure awaits you on Enchanted Planet. Create and explore with Sarahndipity. Grand Sappy teaches the Confused Camel how to solve problems. Learn some Spanish with Ms. Sandra. Check out Tinker Time where Chloe plays the cello. Luna Yes! Luna Si! by Jessica Gonzalez is the Story Time feature. Learn ways that Jessica’s family support their Autistic family member, Luna.


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