Teacher’s Day/The Nose Knows
Elinor models the foundational practices of science inquiry and engineering design -- including her amazing powers of observation and willingness to ask questions and investigate. When she encounters something she doesn’t understand, like why birds have feathers or how tiny ants build massive anthills, she just can’t let it go until she figures it out.
Teacher’s Day/The Nose Knows
Season 2 Episode 4 | 23m 25s | CC
Today is Teacher's Day, and Elinor, Olive, and Ari want to surprise Mz. Mole by decorating her desk with homemade flower art. The only problem is that they must sneak past Mz. Mole during recess in order to make her gift a big surprise./ Elinor is extra excited today because she and her friends are off to Ms. Llama's restaurant to get Mr. Rabbit's favorite Truffle Tarts.