Dinosaur Train show's poster

Arnie Rides the Flatcar/Old Reliable

Dinosaur Train incorporates children's enthusiasm for dinosaurs and trains while educating children in scientific thinking, natural history, and paleontology. The show encourages children to explore questions, observations and conclusions. <br/> <strong>Ages:</strong> 3-6<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Science

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Arnie Rides the Flatcar/Old Reliable

Season 2 Episode 20 | 26m 10s | CC

Buddy, Tiny, and Mom visit their very large sauropod friend, Arnie Argentinosaurus, and his dad. Tiny and Buddy arrange with Mr. Conductor for Arnie to be the first big dinosaur to ride on the newest Dinosaur Train car - the flatbed car! / Mr. Pteranodon and Mr. Lambeosaurus take all the kids to see a field of geysers - holes in the ground that hot water shoots out from!

Dinosaur Train

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