Is Atheism a Religion?
Welcome to Crash Course Religions! Over the next 24 episodes, John Green will explore the history and culture of religions and how they offer frameworks for making sense of our lives — while being incredibly slippery things to pin down. We’ll discover how we define, debate, and contest what religion means, whether we’re personally religious or not. Episode 1 premieres on September 10, 2024.
Is Atheism a Religion?
Season 1 Episode 13 | 11m 55s | CC
Atheism is far from new, but the various ways that people say “no thank you” to belief in gods, deities, or particular religions are so diverse that they’ve had a huge impact on world belief systems. In this episode of Crash Course Religions, we break down the different flavors of atheism and nonbelief and ask the question, “Is atheism a religion?”