Surprise Surprise/A Howling Good Time
The Cat introduces scientific inquiry skills, teaching core science concepts and vocabulary while taking your preschoolers on fun-filled adventures.<br/> <strong>Ages:</strong> 2-5<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Science, Language and Literacy
Surprise Surprise/A Howling Good Time
Season 1 Episode 23 | 23m 31s | CC
Try as they might, Nick and Sally just can't learn to do a somersault. Luckily the Cat's friend Luis the armadillo is the king of the roly-polys! / Nick and Sally are pretending to be lost adventurers when Sally wonders what to do if you really do get lost. The Cat in the Hat introduces them to a wolf pup named Grayson who knows all about getting lost and found!
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