Attack of The Turbo Tibbles/D.W. Tricks The Tooth Fairy
Arthur aims to foster an interest in reading and writing, to encourage positive social skills, and to model age-appropriate problem-solving strategies. The show chronicles the adventures of eight-year-old Arthur and explores issues faced by real kids. <br/> <strong>Ages:</strong> 4-8<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Social and Emotional Growth, Language and Literacy
Attack of The Turbo Tibbles/D.W. Tricks The Tooth Fairy
Season 3 Episode 10 | 27m 10s | CC
If you think the Tibbles are bad now, imagine what they'd be like if they had super powers! After sneaking a peak at the forbidden "Terrific Turbo-Trooper Toy T-Bot Team" TV show, the Tibbles are out of control. / D.W. needs money--quick. After all, every girl wants to have her own Fluffy Unicorn Clothes-Horse and Horse-Clothes Barn.