I'm a Poet/The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club
Arthur aims to foster an interest in reading and writing, to encourage positive social skills, and to model age-appropriate problem-solving strategies. The show chronicles the adventures of eight-year-old Arthur and explores issues faced by real kids. <br/> <strong>Ages:</strong> 4-8<br/> <strong>Educational Goal:<\/strong> Social and Emotional Growth, Language and Literacy

I'm a Poet/The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club
Season 1 Episode 28 | 26m 25s | CC
When Fern challenges Arthur and his friends to enter a poetry content, each one writes a poem to be judged by the famous poet Jack Prelutsky. / Everyone is obsessed with the spooky Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club books. When a group called PAWS--"Parents Against Weird Stories"--tries to have the books banned, fans of the books spring into action!