Anadarko plans to test more frequently after equipment was “contributing factor” in deadly blast


The oil and gas company linked to a deadly house explosion in Firestone last April told Rocky Mountain PBS that some of its equipment was a “contributing factor” in the blast. 

The federal investigation into the incident, however, may last another five to ten months, according to a spokesperson for the National Transportation Safety Board.

“It was devastating to our folks at every level,” said John Christiansen, the vice president of corporate communications for Anadarko, the company that owned the infrastructure at the time of the blast. “This is a company that has always put safety first and protection of the environment, and to have something like this occur in a place where our employees live and work [is] hard to describe.”

Risks known for years

While many have blamed a series of unforeseeable errors for the Firestone explosion, state regulators and local legislators have known about about risks associated with flowlines for several years.

In 1996, the state required operators to annually pressure test flowlines to check for problems, but it wasn’t until 2016 when Colorado regulators started auditing companies to make sure they were complying with state rules. 

The move came after a 2014 risk assessment of the oil and gas industry revealed flowline failures were a “significant source of spills and releases to the environment,” and recommended that COGCC monitor their installation and operation.

“I’ll admit a pang of guilt because we asked for a report. The report came out. It predicted almost exactly what happened,” said Democrat state Rep. Jonathan Singer, D-Boulder, who sponsored legislation that led to the assessment.

What Happened

Local fire investigators initially said a cut, abandoned flowline, connected to an active well, leaked a volatile mixture of gas into Mark Martinez’s basement, where he was working with Joey Irwin, his brother-in-law, to replace a malfunctioning water heater.

The gas ignited, causing a massive explosion and house fire, killing Martinez and Irwin.  Martinez’s wife, Erin, suffered significant burns but survived.

“No one really foresaw this as a potential issue,” Christiansen said of the chain of events that are suspected to be linked to the blast.  “And I think going forward, there is no question there is a heightened degree of awareness around it and a need to do better.”

Christiansen said Anadarko is working to increase the frequency of integrity testing on flowlines within 300 feet of a building.  Currently, the state regulation requires testing at least once a year.

The company also temporarily closed and tested more than 3,000 wells after the explosion and completely eliminated all return lines from operations that were configured in the same way as the flowline linked to the explosion.

Meanwhile, state regulators are preparing for a public rulemaking hearing in January, to address proposed changes and enhancements to Colorado’s flowline rules.

The Rules

There are still many questions about the flowline linked to the explosion, including how it was cut, why it was connected to an active well, and whether it was properly abandoned, in accordance with state regulations.

However, there are few historical records on file with regulators showing when and how flowlines have been taken in and out of service.  Colorado did not require oil and gas operators to file records with the state regarding the abandonment of flowlines until 2005.

A properly abandoned line would need to be disconnected from both the pressure source and the receiving source,  said Matt Lepore, director of the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, which regulates the state’s oil and gas industry.  It would also have to be flushed and capped on both ends, he said.

At the time of the explosion, the questionable flowline was connected to an active well.

“Was it disconnected originally, as it should have been, and then reconnected for some reason?” Lepore questioned. “We don't know the answer to that, but it clearly should not have been connected to the wellhead.”

In response to the tragedy in Firestone, regulators asked operators to report GPS data for their flowlines near buildings.

The state has never made a publicly available map showing the exact location and status of tens of thousands of flowlines affiliated with oil and gas operations using that data.

The Rocky Mountain PBS  energy reporting team, Inside Energy, plotted those points on a map

New proposed state regulations would require companies to report GPS information and provide a schematic drawing of their flowlines to the state.

Lepore said there are limits to the preventative powers of any regulatory body.

“There is definitely an element of reliance on operators to self police and to follow the rules the way they're written,” he said. “We can’t prevent everything.”

However, a proposed regulatory change to be reviewed early next year would allow a commission representative “to witness the integrity testing process and results” related to a company’s initial or annual flowline check.

While most spills and leaks are not imminently dangerous or life-threatening, Singer said the state could be doing more to protect the public.

“At the end of the day, it is up to all of us; it's up to the industry to take responsibility for this,” he said.  “It's up to our regulators to do the right thing.  And ultimately, if those two fail, then it's up to us as lawmakers to do the right thing.”

A Rocky Mountain PBS review of state records revealed operators reported at least 322 spills or leaks linked to flowlines between 2014 and November 2017.

The most recent, statewide, public review of more than 107 thousand lines near buildings showed at least 429 had issues that caused them to fail an integrity test. 

Industry leaders say that is a tiny fraction in a massive industry.

“I would argue we have been a safe industry, but you can always get better,” said Dan Haley, president and CEO of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association.

 “I think the industry did a great job of moving very quickly,” echoed Republican state Rep. Lori Saine (R-Weld).

Saine, who lives in Firestone, would like companies and the general public to have better access to records showing the history of oil and gas infrastructure, especially when it changes ownership from one company to another.

“We want to make sure this [tragedy] never happens again,” she said.

Gov. John Hickenlooper said he hopes enhanced regulations would include testing on a greater number of pipelines and improved safety training.  This summer, he also called for a more robust 811 system, which empowers people to learn about underground infrastructure that could interfere with excavation.

“Historically, we didn’t have any information on these flowlines,” he said, “and that became a recipe for disaster. … My guess is there are probably many many things we don’t regulate like that, and this is a constant process of trying to get better at it.”